Splash Media Group

Media Elements

Animated or Unique Media Elements

Below is a collection of different unique and modern ways to display media elements on your web pages, like videos or images. A lot of sites will just display images or videos as they are, simply aligned with the text content on a page, but here we have some more eye catching designs that incorporate media in a creative way.

Infinite Image Scrolling

This animated image section is built using custom HTML within an HTML block, and custom CSS is the WP theme customizer. The look was inspired by one of the several cool elements found on OCL Group’s website.

The code for this was not actually written using the OCL Group’s website, but instead was built using a Stack Overflow thread that seemed similar, titled “Infinite horizontal scrolling image loop“.

Consectetur adipiscing.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sollicitudin ante fermentum tincidunt fringilla. Aliquam quis erat vel magna sagittis tincidunt. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris nec laoreet mauris. In elementum egestas nulla in elementum.


Masked image
Masked image
Masked image

Sticky GAllery

This section was accomplished using the built in Sticky Settings

This is a Kadence Row, with two columns. This left column, if you go into “Advanced Settings” & then into “Sticky Settings”, you can turn this feature on which will automatically make this one column remain on the screen as long as the right column is still scrolling with content.

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